torsdag 25. september 2008

I treningsmodus??

Ok, sø va kvile tii ivi.
Hårek he vøre storkjefta på kondisforumet,
og sagt at me skø tebakelegge 150km på 24 timarsen på Bislett.
Det æ jau noko eg gledar meg veldig te!

Eg he nøkk i beste fall sett på meg sjov som ein sykelist. Viss eg kan snakke om å ha prestert noko sø æ d i tilfelle på sykkelen. Ikkje dei støste og mest deltatte ritta, mæn telemarkskanalritet og odda - bø, he eg jau vonne, åssø heilt ok plassering klassevis på birken og på Lillehammer - Oslo.
uansett svømmar æ eg absolutt ikkje, og løpar - det æ eg hell ikkje. Det længste eg he spronge æ jau i Ironman samanheng - 42,2km. Å då kan eg nøkk neppe skryte på meg at eg sprang heile vegen då hell, sjav om det ikkje va langt onda når eg va i Sør-Afrika.
Uansett, no æ me påmeldte og eg skø fram te 6.desember bli ein springar....
Noko seie meg at eg treng litt meri enn 20km på beina i vaka då, og eg he alt starta!:-)
Et par vikur no he eg alt hatt morgotur og ordentleg kveldsøkt. Sjav om eg fe min del må lære meg å finne eit roleg tempo som æ maugleg å innstille seg på å halle i 24 timar æ det gøtt å tænke at eg he fått nokon kilometer i beina, anten dei æ raske hell trege!
sø når alt kjæm te alt - gledar eg meg veldig! Ei heilt ny erfaring, som mænge påstænd eg vi ha trøbbel mæ å klare! Det fe min del, syns vera ett gøtt utgangspunkt fe motivasjon og treningslyst!

tirsdag 16. september 2008

Short info in English

I am a girl from Øyfjell, a small village in the mid of south Norway!
I grow up on a small farm with cows and goats. When I grew up, I had to, and wanted to help my dad with everything on the farm. One of my favourite activities is still to help my dad on the farm! I love to milk goats in the morning, working with wood, checking out the fence – because the “moos children” often have trouble with jumping over it. The farm is small, so there is a lot of work we have to do without machinery.
When I was a child I had to walk/bike/go skiing about 4km one way to school.
When I wanted to see friends after school – I had to get there by my self. Some days I walked over 16km – but I never complained. I did not now other way to do it! :-)
Today I am happy that my parent let me be so active, it has made me strong – that last even today.
Without a short period from I was 14 to I was 19, I have felt great joy in being in activity. All kind: Biking, go skiing, and walking in the mountain, strength training and football.
But I did not start “competing” before 2004. I started in the Norwegian championship in 10km cross country skiing. (I finished second last… ) Then I signed up for bike- “Birken”, and wanted to do some other bike competition before Birken. I started with “Odda - Bø – Haukeliruta” ( ) a 222km long road bike race. I started with my MTB, and finished (not last!!) in ca 10 hours.
My next race was then “Gaustatråkket” (2700m climbing in150km) were I was the first girl crossing the finish line with my MTB! :-) I finish “Birken” but was a bit disappointed, because it has a rumour of being very hard… Next year a friend told me about Norseman – as a joke he told me – that Norseman must be hard enough! ( )
I signed up for Norseman that year – and finished extremely happy in 15 hours and 15 minutes, among the female! I was hooked!!
I’m not the fastest triathlete, but I really do enjoy the feeling I got when I cross the finishing line, and of cause all the great exercise I get on the way to the Ironmandistance – start!
My main goal of training is to stay healthy, exercise with joy, be able to finish one or two ironman every year, but not overdo – so can be able to still go on in long races when I become old! :-) My dream is to finish an ironman and qualify for Hawaii in an age over 65! :-)