fredag 6. mai 2011

Are you ready for Thomas Cook Ironman 70.3 Mallorca?

Last year, I was not well enough prepared. I was NOT ready... Of cause – I did know that I was able to finish both IM Zurich and Challenge Barchelona! But I was not motivated enough – to take my time to prepared on the maps, climate and what kind of food I would get. Then I used a lot of energy IN the competition to find the swim and bike course, noticed that my stomach do not like every kind of food. Then, it is easy to "hit the wall" – and spend a lot more time in the track than I taught I would need…

This year – I am more motivated – and I am a bit more ready. I still believe that I am able to finish…:-) But I don`t want to spend a lot more time than necessary in the competition – I want to reach the finishing line in something that looks like a new PB! So, this year and this time I have take a very close look at the maps. I have found a bike course nearby – that looks like the course on Mallorca. A bit longer and a bit steeper, and I have spent some time in those hills. I have used similar food, as we get on Mallorca and cheeked it out – if my stomach is able to handle it when I push hard… (My stomach is not very happy – so I bring my own drink on the bike and a much drink as possible on the run leg!) And I have tried to do my training in the warmest part of the day...(Not easy to get it warm enoug - when I can go skiing late in april...)

What is: " Are you ready"? After finishing 10 IM distances, 2 half IM distances and some longer bike and run-competitions, I still not know, what make my day perfect. I have learned a lot – but every competition has a new settings, new weather – different water and food, new courses and of cause, the personal feeling – the whole life situation you are in, is different from time to time.

This time – I`m looking forward to compete! The main goal is to get the GOOD feeling - feeling prepared and LUCKY!!! :-) So, Yes, I feel ready... :-)

2 kommentarer:

Silja sa...

Høres spennende ut :-) Håper forberedelsene gir avkastning! Morsomt for en som meg (som ikke har så god peiling på IM) å lese hva folk gjør av testing i forkant....morsomt; mye som skal på plass skjønner jeg.... :-)

Gleder meg til å høre mer om Mallorca og håper magen takler maten og stresset!

Marie Veslestaul sa...

Å forebu seg æ nok ein gruleg individuell ting... Eg trenar sø lite - at det MÅ gå meir på detaljar - viss ting skø klaffe! Høvude må ver heit mæ!
Trenar du meir - kjenner ein kroppen ændå bære og treng sikkert ikkje bry seg sø veldig om % stigning - vær/temperatur/ og liknande.
Mæn eg veit, mat og drikke æ ein ting som kan seta ut, sjav svært erfarene triathletar... Norseman æ sø fantastisk der syns eg. Supporten fiksar det du treng når du treng det! GENIALT!! Ute i dæn store værda må du anten planlegge litt - hell ta det du fær... (Då æ det trist å innsjå ette 20km på sykkelen at magen ikkje likar drikka som bli servert dei neste 160 km på sykkelen OG 42,2km på løpinga...)